

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Holiday break, how I miss you...

Oh, Holiday Break, how I miss you.  January 3, my last post, was so long ago, and I was coming off such a great time of sewing.  Then, the quarter started, after the change in the GED test, and all of a sudden I have no time for sewing.  All of my time is being spent writing new curriculum for my class that has to be new because of the test's change...

To keep myself from TOTALLY being in a "woe-is-me" mood, I've been taking pictures of projects I have hanging around my house...you know, so I remember that I can sew, even if I'm not actually doing it...

Here is the wall-hanging I made for my laundry room...I mean, doesn't every laundry room need a quilt on the wall??

I LOVE the quilting on this wall-hanging.  It makes it feel so airy...

Hopefully this weekend, while my hubs is out of town, I can get in some sewing time...

If I do, I'll be sure to take pictures...


  1. What a gorgeous quilt, Heidi! Why not have a stunning quilt hanging up in your laundry room? There is plenty of time for thought and contemplation in there as you sort the clothes, move them from washer to dryer shaking them out, and folding them...I love doing laundry partly I think because of that mindful time I spent doing those things.

    So now you can see the beauty of your quilt and remember how much you loved making it; hopefully soon you'll have more chances for fun and creative time! xoO
